![]() There is such liberation and joy in finding one’s own vibration and unleashing it fully in the world. Can you think of a time when you were in touch with and living true to you? A time when you were in your strength and power. What does it feel like? Strong, free, vibrant, playful, joyful, liberating, empowering… these are some of the words that come to mind. Yet for many of us, remaining in touch with our own vibe is a challenge. The world is full of distraction and it’s easy to be pulled out into something other than our own truth and beingness. In our current world there are so many influences that try to make us like everyone else. Ingrained social conditioning places much emphasis on doing and success is often based on things such as material gain and power. From an early age we are given roles that may not necessarily be in our best interest. We are encouraged to behave well, study hard, find a good job and make lots of money and so forth… Society doesn’t place much value on being, expressing or creativity just for the sake of it. Our own unique expression and vibration is not widely respected. However, the full expression of our selves is so inspiring, fulfilling and worthwhile. We don’t need others to tell us how to be or what to do, inside we have all our own answers. When we surrender and let go of any external demands, we can find true love and joy. Sometimes there is the temptation to look to the outer world to provide us with solutions and to be a source of our peace and happiness. We may find being true to our own vibe difficult because of insecurities or lack of self worth. We may act in a particular way or compromise our own vibe in order to fit in or feel loved by others. Yet ultimately ease, peace and acceptance needs to come from within. This quote from Mary O Malley’s book “What’s in the Way is the Way” speaks strongly “No love from outside of you will ever fully satisfy you, because the only way to relieve that longing is to know who you truly are.” Of course, this does not mean we dismiss the outer world, it is also part of us, it can be a very valuable teacher and massive source of inspiration in our lives. What we see in the outer world is a reflection of our inner world, the external offers us a mirror so that we can see ourselves and feel our own vibe more clearly. Have you ever noticed that when we feel love for someone, we feel it inside of ourselves – the love is in us! As the Dalai Lama once said “The ultimate source of happiness is within us” So what about the pain and suffering that we experience in the world and within us? It can be beneficial to remember that our soul wants to take us into the places where we get tight, so that we can release the tensions and blockages that restrict us. Working through these distortions paradoxically helps us to get to know ourselves better, to evolve and grow. By confronting and working through these difficult places we come back to our own vibe, stronger and more connected. There appears to be a delicate balance between working through our pain and discomfort and living from a place of joy and lightness. A Unique Expression of The OneWe are each a unique expression within the Universe and finding our unique vibration is so vital. It’s easy to be swept along by others or identify with our emotions. We are not our emotions, we may feel sad, though we are not sadness. Particularly for empaths or sensitive people this can be challenging, as they tend to feel the energy and emotions of others within their own field. It can take some awareness and experience to recognize when we are identified with something other than ourselves. We can subtly (sometimes not so subtly) sense what another might want or need and align ourselves with another’s truth rather than our own. This can happen to such an extent that we are no longer aware of our own vibe. Some of us have an unhealthy need to maintain harmony, even at the expense of our own truth. Others in order to gain a sense of belonging can mesh or combine their energies with that of a group to the extent that they lose connection with themselves. Awareness of this is a massive key, once we become aware of such patterns playing out in our lives, we have a choice. We can continue to compromise ourselves and blend with others or find new ways of connecting with our own vibration and living our truth. We can chose to find our own way in any moment, we each have a unique path as an expression of the Whole. As the great mystic poet Rumi said “It’s your road and yours alone, others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.” How to Find Your Own Vibration:Here are some suggestions for ways in which you can attune to your own vibration. Of course each of us is unique and some of these suggestions may resonate and others may not. It is important to explore what feels right for you.
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“Crystalline Grid” is the term used to describe the complex grid-like pathway or matrix of high-frequency energy that is part of the Earth’s energetic architecture. This grid of light is encoded with the divine design for humanity’s transition into a highly advanced multidimensional interface. This upgrade evolves the race from separation and conflict and into the non-polarized, timeless dimensions of universal principle, where totality and oneness are the reflection.
This new morphogenetic field is gradually replacing the current, time coded Earth hologram from which the human race has maintained its connection, and adherence to a timeline of duality and extreme suffering. The Crystalline Grid is a bridge, linking us back to our Source… and to the unified field. According to the cutting-edge scientific theory of quantum physics, there is a direct relationship between our physical reality and an energy field known as the Unified Field or “field of possibility”. This field is affected when focused thought and feeling intention is projected onto it. The planetary Crystalline Grid is the means of sending these thoughts and intentions. Likened to a spiritual “telecommunications system”, its pathways of light help us connect, etherically and telepathically, to the higher consciousness of humans all over the world. Its energy travels from one “power cell” of consciousness to another. Examples of these power cells are mountains, pyramids and vortexes, places on the Earth with high crystal concentration in the ground. When individuals or groups consciously connect with the matrix, it’s like making a phone call. Your phone connects you to the power cell and allows communication to take place. The Crystalline Grid links all of the crystals in the Earth and crosses major portals, vortexes and dimensional doorways that connect Earth to cosmic forces and other dimensional realities. These sites are repositories of subtle energies that have a corresponding effect on an individual’s state of awareness. They serve as magnetic nodes where intimacy with spiritual energy can more easily be experienced. As part of the grid network, there are numerous geographical areas that serve as the “central power stations”, while anchoring this advanced grid system to the Earth. These power nodes hold a highly concentrated level of divinely coded crystalline energy, and emit a high vibrational field. They are the massive energy fields that are supporting humanity’s transition into a more intelligent life form. For example, Mt. Shasta in the USA, the Pyramids in Egypt, Ayers Rock in Australia and Machu Picchu in Peru are four of thousands of other places upon Earth that serve in this way. We, as the human channels of this matrix, can direct tremendous amounts of pure energy to certain people, places and events. By synchronizing our thoughts and heart intentions with the Crystalline Grid, the resultant effect is a harmonic frequency that coheres our collective higher light into one forcefield. Imagine the power! By connecting to the Crystalline Grid often, we can make profound and accelerated positive impact in our own lives and that of the collective consciousness of humanity. On the Crystalline Grid, these “calls” are acts of intended energy transference. Instead of talking, one thinks and feels from the purity of heart intention. In so doing, profound changes can be manifested. The Unified Field, is a scientifically proven intelligent field of energy that permeates and connects everything in the world and universe. We, ourselves, are part of this vast dynamic field of interconnectivity and energy exchange. It is an unseen energy source, multidimensional in nature, and permeating all space. It is above and around our planetary body, in the atmosphere, near the ground and reaches deep into the very core of our Earth. It connects human consciousness and even bridges our planet with the universe. The planetary Crystalline Grid gives the Unified Field its form. It is likened to the meridian pathways of the human body through which electrical impulses travel from point to point throughout the entire nervous system. In acupuncture, the use of needles communicates the intent and sensation to create positive change in the energy flow of the nerve meridians. Likewise, thought and feeling intention by individuals and groups sent into the Crystalline Grid create change in the nature and flow of information transferred within the Unified Field. The following scientific facts directly relate to and support our activities. They have given us a great boost of inspiration to our forward momentum as we now take our message out to assist awakening Humanity. * Everything in the universe is connected, from the largest to the smallest scale, through a unified understanding of gravity. This connecting intelligence has been classified as the Unified Field. Nassim Haramein, Founder of The Resonance Project Foundation * There is a field of intelligent energy which fills all space and connects all things. It responds to us and rearranges itself in the presence of our heart-based feelings and beliefs. Gregg Braden, New York Times Best-selling Author and Scientist * It takes the square root of 1% of a population, who are in coherent meditative states, to cause consciousness shifts in the masses. Dr. David Orme-Johnson of Maharishi University of Management * Group prayers and meditations of geographically separated individuals can promote health and beneficial behavior for others also located over great distances. Sperry Andrews and the Human Connection (HC) Project * The vibration of varying levels of consciousness, as this is contained within a higher vibrating group matrix, can be raised to directly experience heightened levels of awareness and conscious transformation. Tiara Kumara, founder of Children of the Sun Foundation * A coherent, transformational energy field can be generated by the intentions of small groups who are trained to send coherence-facilitating intentions to a target receiver. The Institute of HeartMath ![]() Instead of participating in the consumerist frenzy of Black Friday, this week we're giving 20% of our sales to The Earthkeepers Mindful Practices Project - a pilot program close to our hearts in rural New Hampshire that confronts trauma and adverse childhood experiences and creates safe, supportive environments where students make positive connections with adults and peers, learn to regulate their emotions so they can focus and behave appropriately, and feel confident enough to advance their learning. Clear your cache and enter www.oshunspirit.com into your browser - and you'll find our beautiful new website! (Note: If you don't clear your cache, you'll get a message that the store doesn't exist.) You'll find all of your old favorites and lots of new items too, with more being added each day! As always, your special requests are always welcome. We're happy to gift wrap and ship to your gift recipient's address with a personal message from you - just let us know how we can help you to give a memorable gift of love, light, and inspiration to someone you care about - near or far. And when you do, you give young children the gift of wellness, too! The Earthkeepers Mindful Practices Project: • confronts adverse childhood experiences and trauma • creates safe, supportive environments where students make positive connections with adults and peers • offers effective strategies to regulate emotions so students can focus, behave appropriately, and contribute to their community... including aromatherapy, meditation, yoga, crystal healing, and creative arts • nurtures the confidence to participate in classroom activities and be ready to learn • develops self awareness and models life-long practices for self care • celebrates a growth mindset and a love of learning • introduces students to inspiring and restorative activities through the appreciation and stewardship of the body and spirit of nature 20% of your purchases through November 30 will be donated to keep the Earthkeepers after school program going through June 2017. Participating children receive a healthy snack, and homework support and academic tutoring in addition to wellness enrichment activities. Thank you for shopping at Oshun Spirit. Our world is a better place, because of you! ![]() There is a resource within you that is an abundant source of profound peace and healing wisdom. I will help you align with this Presence and achieve the long-lasting peace, love, joy, clarity and connection you have been seeking. Intuitive Spiritual Counseling and Healing with Master Teacher Susan Berry
Do you find yourself reading self-help books or listening to meditation CDs, downloading and watching empowerment DVDs one after another? Do you still find yourself seeking the long-lasting peace, love, joy, and connection you so deeply long for? You are not alone. My name is Susan Berry. I invite you to discover a personal, practical, experiential approach to healing based upon teachings of the universal truths found within all religions and spiritual practices. As a seer, healer, and spiritual teacher, my goal is to create a bridge to the Mind of the God existing within you. This is the part of your Divinity that offers right perception, and the opportunity to perceive and serve the world through an open, awakened heart. God is love, the source and essence of all that is... and so are you. I use other words to describe God as well: Great Spirit, Being, the I Am, Light, Essence, Life, Source, Creator, Divine Consciousness, Buddha, Allah, Krishna, Jehovah, Jah, Universal Mind, Great Mother, Goddess, and Unconditional Love. My understanding of God as infinite, eternal, and ever present is experienced as divine energy continually extending, creating, expressing, and sustaining all creation. I believe it's not where you look that matters, but what you see. If you want to: • Overcome painful and difficult circumstances in your life • Heal emotional trauma and abuse • Release guilt, fear, and limiting beliefs • Receive practical advice on how to heal your relationships • Discover your purpose in the world and how to fulfill it • Develop a clear, realistic plan to accomplish your goals • Receive communication from the higher planes about whatever is going on in your life I will join with the deepest part of your being so that you may experience and receive the highest level of divine guidance within you. I do, that you may heal and transform your own life as well as the lives of others. With over 35 years of experience providing intuitive spiritual counseling to individuals and groups around the globe, I can provide you with the support you desire to find spiritual healing, direction, and understanding in all areas of your life. I am a Traditional Usui Reiki Master Teacher with a very highly developed ability to receive psychic insight and guidance on a client’s behalf. I am an ordained minister in the Church of Spiritual Humanism. There is a place within each of us that contains all the wisdom of the universe. This part of our being goes by many names: Higher Self, God, Great Mother, Universal Mind, Cosmic Consciousness, and others. Regardless of what you call this Inner Voice or Presence, there is a resource within you that is an abundant source of profound peace and healing wisdom. I will help you align with this Presence and achieve the long-lasting peace, love, joy, clarity and connection you have been seeking. I spend time in meditation prior to each spiritual counseling session and will remain connected to Source throughout your session. You will have the opportunity to share and ask questions on any topic you want, and I will share the understanding, guidance, and communication that I receive from the higher planes in response to your questions. After a typical session, you will finish: • Feeling restored and peaceful • With a deeper understanding of how your life circumstances are serving you • With a stronger experience of spiritual connection • Having received the personal, life-changing connection to Source you wanted • Having had all of your questions answered, regardless of their nature • Knowing your next step spiritually and physically in the world • With a profound knowing of how loved and accepted you truly are • With a renewed sense of clarity and purpose in your life Whether you seek spiritual healing, spiritual counseling, relationship counseling, or career coaching, a private session with me is an opportunity to join with your Higher Self and Source and in a very deep and personal way. I provide distance healing through a variety of modalities, and over the phone, Skype and email counseling to support you during times of struggle or on an ongoing basis. My goal is always to: • Provide a loving, non-judgmental, safe healing environment • Communicate the wisdom, inspiration, and insight of Source • Support and empower you to join with this Divine Presence within you so you have full access to your own inner wisdom for guidance, inspiration, and understanding in your life • Help you to discover what you truly desire in your heart and help you to expand your vision of what is possible • Actively work with you to release and heal everything that keeps you from living your heart's desire To learn more click here. |
Teacher. Healer. One of Us. Archives
March 2020
I was a prolific blogger from 2009 - 2014... and there is a lot of really good content available on oshunspirit.blogspot.com
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