“Crystalline Grid” is the term used to describe the complex grid-like pathway or matrix of high-frequency energy that is part of the Earth’s energetic architecture. This grid of light is encoded with the divine design for humanity’s transition into a highly advanced multidimensional interface. This upgrade evolves the race from separation and conflict and into the non-polarized, timeless dimensions of universal principle, where totality and oneness are the reflection.
This new morphogenetic field is gradually replacing the current, time coded Earth hologram from which the human race has maintained its connection, and adherence to a timeline of duality and extreme suffering. The Crystalline Grid is a bridge, linking us back to our Source… and to the unified field. According to the cutting-edge scientific theory of quantum physics, there is a direct relationship between our physical reality and an energy field known as the Unified Field or “field of possibility”. This field is affected when focused thought and feeling intention is projected onto it. The planetary Crystalline Grid is the means of sending these thoughts and intentions. Likened to a spiritual “telecommunications system”, its pathways of light help us connect, etherically and telepathically, to the higher consciousness of humans all over the world. Its energy travels from one “power cell” of consciousness to another. Examples of these power cells are mountains, pyramids and vortexes, places on the Earth with high crystal concentration in the ground. When individuals or groups consciously connect with the matrix, it’s like making a phone call. Your phone connects you to the power cell and allows communication to take place. The Crystalline Grid links all of the crystals in the Earth and crosses major portals, vortexes and dimensional doorways that connect Earth to cosmic forces and other dimensional realities. These sites are repositories of subtle energies that have a corresponding effect on an individual’s state of awareness. They serve as magnetic nodes where intimacy with spiritual energy can more easily be experienced. As part of the grid network, there are numerous geographical areas that serve as the “central power stations”, while anchoring this advanced grid system to the Earth. These power nodes hold a highly concentrated level of divinely coded crystalline energy, and emit a high vibrational field. They are the massive energy fields that are supporting humanity’s transition into a more intelligent life form. For example, Mt. Shasta in the USA, the Pyramids in Egypt, Ayers Rock in Australia and Machu Picchu in Peru are four of thousands of other places upon Earth that serve in this way. We, as the human channels of this matrix, can direct tremendous amounts of pure energy to certain people, places and events. By synchronizing our thoughts and heart intentions with the Crystalline Grid, the resultant effect is a harmonic frequency that coheres our collective higher light into one forcefield. Imagine the power! By connecting to the Crystalline Grid often, we can make profound and accelerated positive impact in our own lives and that of the collective consciousness of humanity. On the Crystalline Grid, these “calls” are acts of intended energy transference. Instead of talking, one thinks and feels from the purity of heart intention. In so doing, profound changes can be manifested. The Unified Field, is a scientifically proven intelligent field of energy that permeates and connects everything in the world and universe. We, ourselves, are part of this vast dynamic field of interconnectivity and energy exchange. It is an unseen energy source, multidimensional in nature, and permeating all space. It is above and around our planetary body, in the atmosphere, near the ground and reaches deep into the very core of our Earth. It connects human consciousness and even bridges our planet with the universe. The planetary Crystalline Grid gives the Unified Field its form. It is likened to the meridian pathways of the human body through which electrical impulses travel from point to point throughout the entire nervous system. In acupuncture, the use of needles communicates the intent and sensation to create positive change in the energy flow of the nerve meridians. Likewise, thought and feeling intention by individuals and groups sent into the Crystalline Grid create change in the nature and flow of information transferred within the Unified Field. The following scientific facts directly relate to and support our activities. They have given us a great boost of inspiration to our forward momentum as we now take our message out to assist awakening Humanity. * Everything in the universe is connected, from the largest to the smallest scale, through a unified understanding of gravity. This connecting intelligence has been classified as the Unified Field. Nassim Haramein, Founder of The Resonance Project Foundation * There is a field of intelligent energy which fills all space and connects all things. It responds to us and rearranges itself in the presence of our heart-based feelings and beliefs. Gregg Braden, New York Times Best-selling Author and Scientist * It takes the square root of 1% of a population, who are in coherent meditative states, to cause consciousness shifts in the masses. Dr. David Orme-Johnson of Maharishi University of Management * Group prayers and meditations of geographically separated individuals can promote health and beneficial behavior for others also located over great distances. Sperry Andrews and the Human Connection (HC) Project * The vibration of varying levels of consciousness, as this is contained within a higher vibrating group matrix, can be raised to directly experience heightened levels of awareness and conscious transformation. Tiara Kumara, founder of Children of the Sun Foundation * A coherent, transformational energy field can be generated by the intentions of small groups who are trained to send coherence-facilitating intentions to a target receiver. The Institute of HeartMath
Marilla Dantos
3/12/2020 08:22:49 am
For many years I have been fascinated about the crystalline planetary grids. Then I found out that I was born on the Michael-Mary Lay line that starts from Ireland and ends in Israel! Now I live on another spot of the same Lay line, on the Island of Corfu in Greece and I feel extremely blessed about it!
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March 2020
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